Sustainability and safety

Timber veneer is renewable, reusable, recyclable, and completely biodegradable. Veneering is a highly efficient use of wood and environmentally friendly. Adhering thin slices of timber to stable substrates delivers all the positive features of solid timber whilst maximising resources.

Using wood products, including timber veneer, is better for the environment and helps counter climate change in two very important ways.

Firstly, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grew and store the carbon so efficiently that about half the dry weight of a tree is carbon. This carbon remains ‘locked up’ for the whole life of the timber veneer and wood, even when used for building products or furniture. The stored carbon is only released into the atmosphere again if the wood decays or is burnt. Research has proven that more than 95 percent of the carbon in wood remains stored even after being in landfill for up to 30 years. Learn more about carbon capture here.

Secondly, the forest and wood products industry is one of the most greenhouse-friendly sectors of the Australian economy. In fact, it is the only Australian industry that stores more carbon dioxide than it releases into the atmosphere. Thus, increased use of timber veneer and wood products assists in offsetting overall greenhouse gas emissions.

For these reasons timber veneer and wood are one of the most sustainable and environmentally sound materials on the planet. Their use is an easy way to combat climate change. Learn more about the environmental advantages of wood at

The TVAA fully supports industry moves to certification. Chain of Custody Certification in Australia is available via three schemes.